What is SoMe Rap?


The South Memphis Revitalization Action Plan (SoMe RAP) is an effort to transform South Memphis into one of the region’s premier urban neighborhoods of choice by mobilizing local residents, institutions, and their allies to implement a comprehensive economic and community development strategy that promotes:

  • Healthy living
  • Life-long learning
  • Local entrepreneurship
  • Job training
  • Innovative youth and family services
  • Green building and design
  • Cooperative problem‐solving
  • Alternative transportation
  • Excellence in urban design
  • Public and private development partnerships

Who leads SoMe Rap?


The South Memphis Revitalization Action Plan is led by the SoMe RAP Steering Committee, representing twenty‐two local organizations and residents. It is supported by the South Memphis Renaissance Collaborative (SMRC), a joint venture of The Works Inc., St. Andrew AME Church, the University of Memphis, The Hyde Family Foundations, Self Tucker Architects, and the Memphis Regional Design Center.